First time in madrid after multiple times in barcelona.
It is impressive and felt like a stern big brother city compared to playful little brother barcelona.
It is good to see Ana after all these years. I would never have guessed 7 years ago that our next meeting place would be madrid, us in winter wear, eating churros with chocolate.
I took the AVE high speed train to Madrid that took 2 hours instead of 6. It certainly brought back "fond" memories of chasing trains in Europe platforms.
Unfortunately, I was exhausted with work and slept the whole way in spite of the nice ride. I felt bad for the guy next to my seat, who has to suffer my tossing and turning while I try to sleep.
Ana picked me up at the train station upon my arrival. For dinner, we went to a Madrid bar where we had tapas in Madrid style. There is no seating, everyone is standing around small tables as the idea is to squeeze as many people as possible. As you start ordering drinks, they give you food for free. The quality of the free food gets better as you drink/spend more. Sadly, Ana and I did not drink enough to earn our dinner =) and we end up purchasing food. But it's a really unique experience standing at the bar listening to yelling Spanish people talking spanish (i think that's what they are speaking..)
After a good night sleep at Ana's cosy apartment, we are off to explore the city.
First off, churros with chocolate for breakfast. One of the best churros i ate in my life. Note the 2 kinds of churros. My personal preference is the thinner one that's crisiper, and they serve a dipping/drinking chcolate (in the white cup) that's smooth and warm and intense! woo!

After that, we went to temple dubod which are Egyptian ruins,
Followed by sauntering down the city of Madrid through the touristy zone, looking at palaces, the cathedral and the market.
This is GROUND 0 in Madrid.

Significance: Supposedly, all roads in Spain spider outs from this points.
Illogical! If u ask non-Madrid-ians. Clearly a sore point!
We decided to go to the La Bodin for lunch. It's the oldest restaurant in Guinness book of records and specialize in roasted pig and lamb.

Reminds me of the suckling pig in Singapore. Man, I wished for some sweet soy sauce and chilli to go with that pig. But it's a really good meal.
We went home for a nap after the nice lunch and chill for the afternoon, before going for Peruvian food for dinner.
The cerviche is excellent, with the fried yuca. Nice and light for a late dinner.
On Sunday, we had a typical Madrid pastry marzipan bread for breakfast, with some croquettes.

After that it's a jaunt around the central park to aid digestion. It's a really nice day for the park, lots of kids and families.
After that, we went to see city hall, prado museum, walked around a little more before I got ready to go back to Barcelona.
It is an interesting taste of Madrid life style, sights and food.

A pity that I don't have more time and energy to explore the city more. But I'm looking forward to visiting it again.